Monday, August 20, 2012

My girl teaches me about the heart

Tonight I had a few minutes with just my big girl. The little one was around, but safely occupied. I asked her if she ever worried about what it will be like when this one leaves since it is becoming such a long placement. This is a paraphrase of our conversation:

Big girl: sometimes I do because ______ has a big part in my heart.

Me: that's true, that place in our hearts has really grown since _______ has been here so long.

Big Girl: that will always be _______'s place in my heart. I'm never going to give that spot away. I will miss ______, but I will still have this place in my heart.

Me: no, you never have to give it away or forget. It will hurt, but we will be glad we had this time together I think.

Big girl: I mean I may grow a new spot if we have someone else in our house, but that will always be ______'s spot. God can make your heart as big as you need it to be so that you can love lots of people. Everyone gets there own spot in your heart. You never know how big your heart can grow.

Me: you are exactly right.

My big girl has a better understanding of love than I do I think. I wonder how big her heart will grow . . .


  1. Beautiful conversation with a beautiful child of God.

  2. So beautiful! This brought tears to my eyes. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I love it! Thank you for allowing me to peak into another foster family's life!

