Thursday, November 29, 2012

You might be a foster parent if . . .

1.  The sight of uncovered outlets make you nervous, even in places that do not involve children.

2. You own more carseats than the number of children living in your home.

3.  You have cleaned the boogers off of another woman's child's nose with your bare hand.

4.  Taking one of your forever children to the doctor and being able to consent to treatment without extra documentation feels too easy.

5.  You have ever made a Mothers Day Card for your "for now" child's mother.

6.  You worry that you might have a surprise visit from a social worker while cleaning and all the chemicals in the house are not locked away.

7.  You wonder if the kiddo in the year's Christmas pictures will be in next years.

8.   You are often called Ms. "child's last name" by doctor's offices (there are days that doesn't feel so good).

9.  You take a less warm than you would like shower every morning so that your home meets all safety requirements, including the hot water setting.

10.  You have sworn you were not going to have to potty train this child only to find yourself singing the potty song a year later to the same child.

11.  You have ever had one of the children in your home placed in your arms for the first time standing in a parking lot.  

12.  Your neighbors can recognize the caseworkers' cars and offer the keep your children during home visits.

13.  You've ever thought "I don't have to do this", and then done it anyway.

14.  Spending an hour with another foster mom feels like you've been granted "permission to speak freely". So much so you have to be careful not to dominate the conversation.

15. You find yourself saying, "you are safe" in the wee hours of the morning while barely conscious.

16.  You have more documentation of your "for now" kids' firsts than you do of your "forever" kids.

17.  You can tell when someone is about to say, "I just couldn't do it, I'd get too attached."(and you smile knowing the little soul at your house NEEDS someone to be too attached).

18.  You agree with the general public - you are a little bit crazy. (and wouldn't change it for anything-including hot showers)


  1. Absolutely SO true!

  2. Love it!!

    #'s 13, 14, and 18 are top favorites!

    Makes me almost want to get back in the game!!

  3. Needed this one today as we finished up the first day of certification training. Thank you...

    17. You can tell when someone is about to say, "I just couldn't do it, I'd get too attached."(and you smile knowing the little soul at your house NEEDS someone to be too attached).

  4. Yes, that's it exactly, & we keep on doing it over & over, but who would have it any different? not me, even after 26 yrs & mmm 150ish kids. :)

  5. these are perfect. I have so many car seats! And clothes! And toys!! And will be taking 2 little boys to see their mom for the first time in 9 months this afternoon, Lord help us all.

    For the record, I am SO TIRED of hearing #17!!! Duh, you get attached! That's the freaking point - to give them a family that CARES for them! I can no longer smile when I hear it, since what I want to do is lecture them about being the adult and having a higher capacity to deal with the pain of separation than the child does.
