Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I never was that flexible

People ask me a lot if it has been hard adjusting to having an extra kiddo. In a lot of ways, yes it has been hard going from man to man to a zone defense in our parenting. But I don't think the extra little one in the house is the hard part. The hard part has been adjusting to the entourage. Little one has a social worker, we've got a family social worker, there's a transporter that supervises visits, early intervention instructor, and then the typical pediatrician appointments. All of these people are involved in our life very often. They call or send text messages often, even when I'm trying to work or do other things. They set up visits that I have to organize so that they don't ovelap. All the while, I still have a job and two other kiddos with busy schedules. Not to mention my husband. I am learning to be a lot more flexible and just take it one thing at a time.
Today, I got a call that a visit had been rescheduled for later in the day than it usually is. It was fine, but I had to do some quick refiguring to make sure everything else was taken care of. It feels like my day belongs to someone else very often. I'm learning to just accept that flexibility is a must in this foster care deal.

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